Welcome to the realm of the Turanians. The Turanians are a family of ethno-linguistically related peoples which include the Hungarians, the Uralic group (Finnic and West Siberian peoples), and the Altaic group (Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus-Manchu, Korean and Japanese peoples). The Turanians are the indigenous inhabitants of vast territories in Eurasia, from Central Europe to the Pacific Ocean, and have a rich and ancient cultural heritage. Turanian (Ural-Altaic) peoples and languages map
Our website presents cultural, historical, and other background information concerning the Turanian peoples and their lands, focusing on some of the most important issues facing them: the preservation of their cultural identity and natural environment, and their struggle for self-determination.
Throughout history, the Turanian lands have been invaded by foreigners: Semites, Persians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, and Germanic peoples. In many cases, the indigenous Turanian peoples have been and are still subjected to genocide, colonization, deportation, or assimilation. Foreign rule has not only caused great losses in demographic and cultural terms, but also economically and environmentally as severe damages have been inflicted by the exploitation and pollution of the Turanian lands by states such as Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) and China. Faced with all these hardships, the Turanian peoples are struggling to preserve their distinct cultural identity and to reassert their rights.
Among the main challenges facing the Turanian nations today are the severe environmental, political, economic, ethnic, demographic, social, and cultural problems created by the communist regimes of the former Soviet Bloc and China. In many cases, the communist elites of the former Soviet Bloc have managed to remain in control of the state apparatus with the help of the financial resources illegally gained from the privatization of the state assets. These corrupt "post-communist" regimes in east-central Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as the remaining communist regimes in Asia, are an obstacle to democracy, and to the political, economic and cultural self-determination of the peoples of the region.
The problems and challenges facing the Turanian peoples are in fact global problems which are rapidly getting worse: political and economic crises, wars, massive waves of refugees, uncontrolled demographic explosion in certain regions of the world, religious conflicts, the destruction of the natural environment, climate change, famines and plagues, etc. These problems are caused by the current global political-economic system. This may benefit the top 1% who control the major part of global power and wealth, but for the remaining 99% of the population, living conditions are just getting worse. These conditions are unsustainable and it is only a matter of time as to when the inevitable collapse will happen, threatening the existence of mankind. It is therefore imperative that all peoples look for solutions for a better future: Alternative For A Better Future

Click on highlighted map links above for information on the Turanian lands and peoples
Latest Updates
New Page Added:
Alternative For A Better Future - UPDATED: 2024.10.15
Updated Links in Turanian Lands and Peoples Pages (accessible from Turanian States and Territories Interactive Map above) - 2022.03.06
New Map Added: Turanian (Ural-Altaic) peoples and languages map - 2021.12.03
New Pages Added:
- The War of 1914-1945 - 2021.12.03
We must reiterate that the use of links to external websites does not imply that the HUNMAGYAR.ORG website fully endorses or agrees with the content of those external websites. We must be careful and aware of the problems of having too many sources of information on the internet and other media. We cannot rely on official governmental, mainstream news, and social media sources in order to get to the truth. It is unfortunate that even sources such as Wikipedia have been hijacked by some Indo-european (Aryan) and Persian-Iranian supremacists which seek to impose their biased pseudo-scientific views and exclude opposing views relating to the Turanian peoples in many Wikipedia articles (see examples: Turkic World and Turan). That is why it is essential to have access to alternative independent scholarly research which presents the facts with documented evidence and objectivity.